
February 29, 2012



If you are reading this message, please be aware that I am keeping my promise to publish my vocal demo recordings. I would have published earlier, but I was hampered by the fact that I had to learn to used Windows Live Movie Maker in order to be able to take a music file and upload it to Blogger, which now uses YouTube as it's video engine.

I've made it work, creating six "videos" from my library of stills that I've personally shot. Every image that you are about to see was created by me, good or bad. The editing, effects choices and transition elements are also my choice, as I hacked my way through WLMM. To balance things out, I did the visual images in reverse, from track six to track one, the opposite of the way they were recorded. Uploading and scheduling was done in reverse as well, so that the final display will be in order on a blog that displayed most recent first.

Feel free to make comments on any post. Please do try to keep specific suggestions and criticism on each track, should you have any. They will publish in reverse order, and an intro post will appear at the top. I had better get to writing that.


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