Now I get the chance to tinker with a video upload. I've owned a small ball-camera for some time, and have been accumulating some interesting bits of video. While many of the files are much larger than the 100 Megabyte limit for video files here on Blogger, I do have some short clips like this one:
This is all in camera, no editing, and surveillance quality. Note, there is no viewfinder on this camera, so it takes some time and attention to guess at the shot you're getting. Regardless, it's a little movie, akin to the old Super8 movies that the upper middle class of the 70's used.
[Editor's note: after the upload, it was not available for a short while, and now somehow it's 1/2 as long as it orignally was. There are some edits. The gist is still there, and this compression was quite unexpected. Was this done by machine or human?]
Just a note, that via cable-modem, this 20MB file took a few minutes to upload. The nice thing is that I was able to keep writing while the video was uploaded. Now, the Blogger site is "Processing Video" as I continue to write. Pretty cool. After a little while, I expect that the frame will appear frozen under the Play Icon.
Now, I've never done this before, so we'll see how this goes. Looks finished. Yes, the date in the corner is accurate. Normally, on the 5th of July, the alleys in my beach community are overrun with "canners" that have no compunction from stealing from city owned recycling bins (the blue ones) and from the private refuse company containers that also accept recyclables and separate them at their facility.
After several complaints and gathering some grass-roots support, we got our end of the alley cleaned up, and we no longer have stinking, loud, poorly exhausted vehicles with cigarette smoking, urinating in the alley people rummaging through the cans, climbing in the dumpster and using our shaded parking spaces to crush cans at 0530.
Frankly, it's bad enough that I have to listed to the trash going into the cans in the evening, I prefer not to be awakened early on a Sunday morning loud clinking glass and crushing cans coming out of the bins and into hand held trash bags, that have been harvested from the cans too. Most people are aware that all trash in this city must be bagged before disposal. The canners don't care - they see the empty bag as valuable, and they have emptied the contents just to get one or two redeemable bottles or cans.
After you see the video, you'll know how it got handled. Today, things are not this neat, and we have to get the neighbor to put their single family cans back after they are emptied on Mondays.
Formatting tip: Upload the video, write the text, drag the video down to where you want it, and while it is selected, hit the "center justify" icon to move it to the center of the post window. Grab a corner of the video image to adjust the size. I messed up the aspect ratio, so I had to upload the video a second time. Gaak.
On the second upload, it is at the end of the post, so I will drag it upward to where I want it. I am going to leave it in the default format, since I think my camera is 320x240. Being able to control the magnification and aspect ration would be nice. Yes, you can re-position the video in the post while it is uploading and processing.
On another note, the upload policy was not displayed when the link in the upload dialog box was clicked. I am pretty sure I know what it says, and I am in compliance since I shot the video, own the copyright, and there is nothing obscene. Trashy, yes. Obscene, No.
I shot another short video with the same kind of camera, and donated it to another blogger, since it pertains directly to their blog. Feel free to click the link you just read over and look for it.
Have fun!
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