This is the view from my back-yard. The six-foot fence is gone. A remnant remains to the right of the frame. Yes, those are railroad tracks. The centline of the tracks is 75' from my back property line. That is a total of 108' from the fenceline. The 33' in the middle was an alley that was abandonded and deeded back to the landowners. That means that I need a bunch of new fence.
By the way, that was as close to a sunset as we got today.
I got to sit in an Engineer's chair, and what was below?
I would have to say that this qualifies as the first heated seat.
There were three more such u-shaped pipes on the other side of the cab.
The middle seat did not need a heater.
It was reserved for the fireman.
The other chair in the cab is for the breakman.
Where was I?
scroll down for the answer
It has 10 wheel drive.
Give up?
Keep scrolling.
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