
March 24, 2010

Travel Day and the BBQ Frontier

It has been a long time since I sampled Texas BBQ. I was passing through Amarillo, and with assistance of the yellow-pages directory in the navigation system, I was able to locate a mini BBQ. The quality of the meat was excellent, and it was served pulled, on a bun, just like Brad's. Less smoke flavor, drier, and the sauce was not sweet and smokey, but a bit under-powered with Santa Cruz Chili Powder. That's Texas BBQ. I almost stopped at another BBQ.

I've gotten a bit better at catching trains. This is out the passenger window, using the best-shot-selector. No more blur, but you gotta time it right. There is significant lag with a digital camera.

I cleaned the windshield, and there were some sun-dogs to catch over the New Mexico desert.

Of course, everyone is asking about the sauce. Here it is, loading down the passenger side of the vehicle. Albuquerque is at the left side of the map, at the nexus. Now you know exactly where the sauce was when the photo was taken.

A quick pause at a rest-stop provided an opportunity to make some nice PS3 wallpaper. Here is a standard aspect shot of the Varga and Snow that I was driving through.

Even through the dirty windshield, a sunset shot was possible today. Enjoy this New Mexico sunset. I punched through Albuquerque, Grants and Gallup, penetrating 50 miles into Arizona before stopping for the night in Holbrook. I was jazzed about getting back to my own time zone, crossing two time zones boundaries and over 900 miles in one day of travel.

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